“They call me Bobby Kapp because siempre traigo mi gorra”

By: Estefanía Romero Cover photo’s original source: bobbykappjazz.com  Laké, an incredible jazz band from Querétaro was a headliner at the Festival Internacional de Jazz Armando Núñez (FIJAN) 2024. The members of this ensemble came to push the jazz boundaries with their different compositions, but they also gave us a hell […]

Jazz Saxophonist Moves Mexican Hearts

Interview With Gil del Bosque By: Estefanía Romero The Festival Internacional de Jazz Armando Núñez (FIJAN) 2024, presented the first of its main concerts with the great composer and saxophone player, Gil del Bosque, who came from Texas to catalyze the emotions of around 350 people, during his performance at […]